Inheriting from the ERC20 contract will give us access to methods like _mint() and balanceOf(). Here we’re declaring a new contract called “DevToken”, using the Solidity keyword contract, while inheriting from the ERC20 OpenZeppelin’s contract using the “is” keyword. Import initialize the Token, inheriting from the ERC20.sol contract: // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 Import the OpenZeppelin ERC20 contract in the Token.sol file: // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
Now that we have a brief understanding of why we’re importing the OpenZeppelin library, and what ERC20 means, let’s continue learning how to create and deploy an ERC20 Token.
If you’re already familiar with this concept, feel free to skip to the next paragraph. Now we need to import the ERC20 token contract from OpenZeppelin, but first, let me briefly go through what is an ERC20 Token, important to understand if you want to create your own cryptocurrency.
The “^” means the code is compatible with any version of the compiler from Solidity 0.8.0 to 0.8.9.

In the Token.sol file, write the following code: // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0

Whenever a new Solidity file is created, it’s mandatory to add the License-identifier and the pragma to specify the Solidity version the compiler should use to build our code. Navigate to, open the contacts folder, and create a new file called “Token.sol”: - How to Create and Deploy an ERC20 Token - In 20 minutes We’ll learn how to create and deploy an ERC20 Token Smart Contract using REMIX, an easy-to-use, free, with a great Solidity compatible IntelliJ feature, and decent compile-time errors, IDE. How To Create an ERC20 Token: Set up The Environment With REMIX That said, let’s dig straight into how to develop and deploy an ERC20 token. If you don’t know where to start, I highly suggest you go and check the complete web3 roadmap (Updated this year). It is not assumed any previous Solidity knowledge, although is suggested to have some previous programming knowledge before starting this tutorial. Visualize your own cryptocurrency on MetaMask.Deploy a cryptocurrency on Polygon Mumbai.Setup a local Ethereum development environment using Hardhat.How to create and deploy an ERC20 Token with Solidity.Develop and deploy an Ethereum Smart Contracts using the IX IDE.We’ll then set up a local environment using Hardhat to deploy your own cryptocurrency on the Mumbai Polygon Testnet.īy the end of this tutorial you’ll learn: We will first write the Smart Contract using REMIX IDE, an online IDE specifically made for Ethereum development with Solidity. In this tutorial, you’re going to understand how to create a cryptocurrency using Solidity and the ERC20 Token standard (Ethereum request of comment) maintained by OpenZeppelin. If you want to learn how to create and deploy an ERC20 Token In 20 minutes, that’s the right place to be. Cryptocurrencies have recently become popular, opening endless possibilities to companies, individuals, and DAOs.