Perpetually Locked Image in Miscellaneous Section: The programmer wrote the variable name in the gallery file which is why it's locked until a new update is given.

It's believed Gold's heart is the key to breaking the curse but no one knows where it has gone. I want to scream and cry I want to just end this life that I have but I know I cant because this world has turned me into a person that cant die but has to suffer with pain, loss, sadness. Gold's heart was whisked away, leaving her as a still doll. Many free stock images added daily Download and use 2+ broken heart locked free images from StockFreeImages Many free stock images added daily To provide you with additional information about how we collect and use your personal data. When the curse befell the d'Lockes family. Download 2+ broken heart locked free images from StockFreeImages. Gold is the emotional core of the d'Lockes family.